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  • Writer's pictureTabibu Africa, Inc

Empowerment, Education, Medical, Oh my! What do our Volunteers do?

As you probably know Tabibu Africa Inc’s mission is to educate and train the under-served people of Eastern Africa by empowering them with knowledge and skills to improve overall health and wellness through classes, workshops, and medical clinics while maintaining medically and ethically responsible conduct. But what does that mean when you chose to volunteer with us? Well, the short answer is… that depends, where do you want to make a difference?!?

We are so incredible excited for the next expedition, coming up soon in Spring of 2023! Not only will it be our first full expedition after the Covid-19 pandemic but we are setting into motion lots of new ideas and concepts!

1) We plan to host multiple days of a walk-in style medical clinic. Depending on the type of volunteers we have at the clinic there will be Registered Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, Physician Assistants, or Medical Doctors seeing patients and treating their ailments. In the clinic we could also have emergency medical technicians, certified nursing assistants, medical assistants, etc. assisting with wound care, gathering vitals/other health data, or other tasks.

2) During the clinic we are also planning on having other stations set up to create a “Health Fair” of sorts. Any volunteer can host a booth or help with booths that are already planned. Booths we have had in the past, or booths we would like to include, are as follows, but the options are only limited by your imagination just let the board know what your idea is!

o Basic First Aid

o Hand washing and hand hygiene

o “Why we get sick”

o How to make a sustainable water filtration system

o How to sew sanitary napkins/pads

3) One of the days we are in-country we have an all-day empowerment course, which is truly inspiring and such a powerful experience to be a part of! We have separate courses for the young women and the young men, and we have found that it is best to have a separate day for our empowerment courses instead of mixing it in with the medical and educational opportunities.

Where do you see yourself using your fitting in and being part of “Little Hands Making Big Differences”?

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