The vision of Tabibu Africa, Inc started in 2012 when a group of aid workers got to talking on their trip back from working in Kenya on a humanitarian expedition. They had a dream to do more, out reach more, and expand on the work that is so desperately needed.
Somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean at approximately 12,000 feet elevation, the name, "Tabibu Africa" came to life. The Kukuyu people in Kenya say that Tabibu means "to heal". One of the founders had been given the name, Tabibu, by the Kukuyu people on her third humanitarian expedition and the name stuck.
"Tabibu Africa" ... Heal Africa.
Four friends got together and created an organization that spreads compassion, sustainable aid, and basic human rights to those most in need in Africa.
We cannot do it all but we must do something.
All donations to Tabibu Africa, inc. goes to benefit the people who need assistance the most in East Africa. All administrative and overhead costs are covered by our own administrators, therefore 100% of your contribution will support direct work in East Africa. We commit to maximizing the value of your contributions in order to help the needy women and children that we serve, and we eliminate any expense that does not directly provide any benefit.
All administrative cost is covered by each individual board member and we do not hire consultants or trainers. All work is on a volunteer basis so 100% of your donation goes exactly where it is intended to go.
Through one or more annual expeditions staffed by volunteers, Tabibu Africa works to relieve the suffering and instability of East Africa's poorest of the poor. All donations, financial and supplies, go straight to East Africa wherever it is needed the most.
Tabibu Africa, Inc's Founders and Board Members
Jody Gzhawdasot Mattena
"Tabibu" "Naretisho"
President & Founder
George Mattena
"Msingi" " Olonana"
Vice-President and co-founder
I traveled to Kenya in February of 2006 and experienced my first humanitarian expedition with a wonderful group of volunteers. At this time, East Africa was suffering from a severe seven-year drought and the results were devastating. I witnessed suffering at a level I never thought possible. Men, women, and even more children died every day simply because they did not have access to water or food, the most basic of needs. Disease ran rampant due to poor sanitation and access to medical care was non-existent. Without basic needs met of food and water, education was not even close to a priority.
Even though the people I traveled to help were dealing with suffering at unconscionable level they still had more faith, love, and happiness than I did. It was at that moment that my own spirit and heart was healed and my true path was discovered.
My journey began. I have now now been to East Africa more times than I can count and continue to learn and grow from each expedition. I firmly believe that providing love, compassion, education, and basic health care is true humanitarian work no matter what continent you're on. Doing this work is what ties us together and we can all do a little something. I believe that we all have a duty to do something.
In 2011 I was given the name "Tabibu" from the Kikuyu people in Kenya which means "to heal". In 2013 I was adopted into a Masai family and during an elaborate naming ceremony I was branded and given the name "Naretisho" which means "helper of all".
I will strive every day for the rest of my life to live up to my names of honor.
Why is humanitarian work important to me? I believe that we owe it to ourselves and more importantly to God to do something to help our fellow brothers & sisters, our communities, our future.
Through education and empowerment we can give people the tools and knowledge to change their future and the future for their children. With my background in plumbing I often ask myself what can I do? How can I help and make a difference? I’m not a Doctor, Nurse, or educator. Or so I thought. I now can say that I’ve worked in the health clinic in anything ranging from organizing medications, helping to clean wounds, and holding hands. But because of my plumbing background I was able to help develop a hygiene education program that covers personal hygiene, sanitation and waste disposal. I have also found myself in the “Teacher” role heading a few of these sanitation classes. My next goal for the organization is to help the people get access to clean water or how to make the best of the water that they have. One of the latest workshops I held was how to make your own water filter out of supplies you can find around your home and village. To see the sense of empowerment come over all of the women when they found they had the power to make clean drinking water for their children was priceless.
Seeing the conditions the people we are trying to help will change anyone‘s perspective on how we live our lives. We are on this earth for such a short time we owe it to ourselves to make the most of it. So you don’t need to have a specific degree or career in something in order to help. We all play a role and we all can do something. We all should do something.
George has earned the name "Msingi" by the Kikuyu people which means "foundation" and "Olonana" by the Masai which means "ancient one".
Corrie Goodier
"Wima" "Naishipia"
Secretary & co-founder
Corrie Wima had always dreamed of Africa. When she was eight years old she bought a cassette tape to learn Swahili. In 2012 her dream finally came true and she traveled to Kenya to work with a medical humanitarian organization.
Corrie worked so hard in the medical clinics, never taking a break, and always holding the hands of her patients. She was given the Kikuyu name "Wima" which means "always steady" and "Naishipai" by the Masai which means "the happy one".
Corrie is a Nurse Practitioner and loves what she does. She travels thousands of miles to be with us on these expeditions. She brings with her all of her knowledge, passion, expertise, heart and soul.
Kurtis Short
Ever since becoming an Americorps VISTA, Kurtis' drive and path has been leading him towards helping people. He is now currently working for a non-profit with a focus on victim advocate support. With Kurtis' Bachelor's in Criminal Justice and 2 years of experience working within non-profits he bring a unique perspective into how helping people and families can change a community for the better. Kurtis also brings to the Tabibu family experience working with non-profits to help secure funding and running/assisting with group classes and fundraisers.
Kurtis has been striving to help people in the United States, but realized that his reach can go further than that. Which is why he welcomed the opportunity to be the treasurer for Tabibu Africa. It's Kurtis' hope that in some way he can provide help to more lives wherever he may be.
Bishop Fred Afwai
Kenya Secretary &
In-Country Director
AJ Jolley
"Shujaa" "Mirishi"
Fred Afwai and his wife, Alice, have been with Tabibu Africa, Inc since before its inception. They both understood at a young age the issue of growing up in a broken home due to death or other loss and the imperative need of education. Their lives together have been devoted to giving back to the children in Kenya by providing love, education, and safety. They are making change by living and breathing compassion and we are beyond blessed to have them part of our team.
Together Fred and Alice started Candle Light Primary School and Safe-house in Kayole Kenya 15 years ago. Since then they have grown to include a secondary school in Kayole as well as another primary and secondary school, vocational school, and orphanage in Kitale Kenya.
Fred became our Kenyan Secretary and In-Country Director in 2016 and part of the Tabibu Africa Family. We look forward to many more programs, workshops, and outreach clinics for decades to come.
AJ Shujaa Mirishi first traveled to Kenya in 2011. He felt drawn to do everything; helped to dig a well at a boarding school, built on new classrooms, helped Immensely in the medical clinics, and taught character building lessons for young men at a secondary school. After this first trip he was hooked on Africa and knew he had to keep going back. One of his many goals is to live in Kenya someday.
One day in the medical clinic a young girl was brought in with severe cerebral malaria. She needed to be rushed to the hospital, however would not be able to get to the hospital until the next morning. Without medical treatment immediately this young 14-year old girl would most likely not live through the night. AJ held her close for hours, while she had seizures and cried in pain. He just held her close and gave her his strength.
Miraculously, this young girl made it through the night, we met her at the hospital the next day, and she has had a full and miraculous recovery. Because of this AJ was given the name "Shujaa" which means "hero" in Swahili.
In 2013 AJ was adopted into a Masai family and during an elaborate naming ceremony he was branded and given the name "Mirishi" which means "Warrior".
Though AJ retired from the Board of Directors in 2019 he continues to be one of the "Founding Four" and will always be cherished.